Colectia de poze
Total 108 poze.


sakura: ok ok :d sakuraSakura: OK ok :D
cindy: am sa pun si eu poze cu mine ^_^ my album.../ cindyCindy: am sa pun si eu poze cu mine ^_^
guy: bine iubire guyGuy: bine iubire
imi place de ea. sakura harunoImi place de ea.

alta :d sakuraalta :D
alta la ceva vreme  :rotfl: gfx-urile diveiAlta la ceva vreme :rotfl:
rina: cred ca a venit vremea sa pun si eu poze cu mine rinaRina: Cred ca a venit vremea sa pun si eu poze cu mine
maya: sa sper ca  merge asa. elviraMaya: Sa sper ca merge asa.

yuji sakai, a high school student, expected his very normal life to last forever. however, this isYuji Sakai, a high school student, expected his very normal life to last forever. However, this expectation is quickly shattered one day while on his way home. The world suddenly freezes in time, leaving Yuji to watch in horror as blue flames engulf the people around him. Soon a monster resembling a large doll appears and begins sucking the flames into its mouth, until it notices Yuji. Surprised with Yuji's insusceptibility to the time-stop (fuzetsu), it jumps with glee. Just as the monster prepares to consume Yuji, a sword-wielding girl in black attire with flaming red eyes and hair appears, swiftly and confidently destroys the monster, before noticing Yuji moving freely. The girl calls herself a "Flame Haze" who hunts the "Denizens of the Crimson Realm" and the "Rinne" they send to do their bidding. When Yuji notices a blue flame in his chest, the Flame Haze tells him that the "real" Yuji died some time ago, and that he is a "Torch", a temporary replacement for erased humans. Torches take on the forms of those erased persons, but after a period of time, they will vanish from existence and the memories of the living. Unfazed by his apparent death, Yuji befriends the strange girl and names her "Shana" after her sword. The reason Yuji was able to move in the fuzetsu is that he is not a normal Torch, but instead a special kind called a "Mystes": he has a treasure inside him, known as a "Hougu", a device possessing special abilities of sorts, and an extremely powerful and valuable one at that. The hougu inside Yuji allows him to remain in existence rather than fading away like other torches. Shana resolves to protect Yuji from the Denizens, who would use the treasure to disrupt the balance of the world, and Yuji decides to join Shana in her fight. Shana's fight is actually a long-standing struggle between the Lords and Denizens of Guze. The Denizens steal Power of Existence, the energy that forms the basis of the world, from living people and utilize it for their own selfish ambitions. Some Lords inhabit humans creating Flame Hazes in an attempt to retain balance by hunting renegades from Guze. Flame Hazes create Torches in place of the consumed to save the world from the disruption of many existences being lost at once, allowing the Torches to gradually burn out over the course of time.
=d pozele mariei=D
;)  :nebun:  :nebun:  :nebun: pozele mariei;) :nebun: :nebun: :nebun:
pacat ca a plecat din sat. sasuke uchihaPacat ca a plecat din sat.

alice: sunt vrajitoare :limba: aliceAlice: sunt Alice!Micuta vrajitoare :limba:
4)clan (daca apartine vreunui clan) are o sora geaman ea trebuia normal sa aiba peste 5 mii de1)nume:Pitiful 2)prenume: Mindy 3)varsta: 19 4)clan (daca apartine vreunui clan) -- 5)Familie: are o sora geaman spirituala.... 6)Trecut: ea trebuia normal sa aiba peste 5 mii de ani dar din cauza cuiva a fost facuta o vraje si ea fiind cea de-a doua nascuta a fost trimisa sa se nasca cu mult mai tarziu...acum este Gardiana a universului si desi isi cunoaste sora geamana nu se inghit deloc 7)puteri: este demon al aerului , vrajitoare si are control asupra puterilor intunecate 8)arme: multiple 9)calitati: este bine dispusa mai mereu e prietenoasa 10)defecte: e enervanta uneori 11)Infatisare: parul scurt si albastru si ochii deasemenea albastri sau rosi sau galbeni 12)Iubit/iubita (de asemenea daca are): nu are...este in cautare 13)O poza cu personajul:
imi place animeu^^ despre animeImi place animeu^^
rina : - buna , se pare ca sunt ultima :( rinaRina : - buna , se pare ca sunt ultima :(

:rotfl: sakura haruno:rotfl:
yukari: buna meu e sa ne yukariYukari: Buna Tuturor!Numele meu e Yukari.Sper sa ne imprietenim^^
multumesc, dar nu cred ca sunt mai facut unul :d my gfxMultumesc, dar nu cred ca sunt frumoase. Am mai facut unul :D
occ: cum era cindy imbracata la sala de dansocc: cum era Cindy imbracata

another one sakuraanother one
acum pun si eu chiar daca nu sunt resuite incerc. my gfxAcum pun si eu chiar daca nu sunt resuite incerc.
- derek.... cred ca iti va place poza - cand ati facuto  :rusine:  :rusine:  :rusine: sarahJamie&Kana: - Derek.... cred ca iti va place poza asta Sarah: - Cand ati facuto :rusine: :rusine: :rusine:
jijy: frate in seara aia ne-am imbatat toti  :rotfl: guyJijy: frate in seara aia ne-am imbatat toti :rotfl:

imi pare rau pentru pierderea lui kakashi hatakeImi pare rau pentru pierderea lui
hitsugi: ia sa mai pun yukaHitsugi: ia sa mai pun